Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ideas: Anticipating Christmas

Ideas for a meaningful Christmas season

Make this your best Christmas ever. Let me share some things we do in our family.

Don’t spend more money than you have.

I have heard that it takes four months for an average American household to pay off its Christmas credit card debt. Don’t let this happen to you.

Make the most of your Nativity Scene. Put the Baby Jesus in a small gift box addressed to “(Your family), Love, God.” Open the box on Christmas Eve, place the baby in the manger scene and read the story from Luke 2. Place the wise men at the other end of the house and move them through the house until they arrive at the manger Jan. 6 (Epiphany). Read the story of the wise men in Matthew 2.

Come back to church. God loves you and would like to see you, so come on back. Go back to the place of your roots. Maybe you’ve never had a good church experience. Take a chance. Stop in at one of the many friendly churches in East County.

Help people in need. Make it a practice to put a little something in the Salvation Army kettle every time you pass by. Surprise the bell-ringer with a $20 or $100 contribution. Bake an extra pie for an elderly neighbor.

Take in a concert or a play. The arts are good for your soul. Our favorite Christmas activity is The Grotto Festival of Lights. (www.thegrotto.org).

Party after Christmas. The 12 days of Christmas go from Dec. 25 to January 6. Invite friends, especially someone who is alone, to a potluck "After-glow Party." Everyone can bring leftover food items.

Observe Boxing Day. The day after Christmas, box up unwanted clothes, extra Christmas decorations and items for the needy, and take them to the Salvation Army or your favorite charity.

Choose a special cause to support in the coming year, such as delivering Meals on Wheels once a month. Make a commitment to become personally involved in making a difference.

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